Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Quarter Inch Debate

Now that we've gotten a dishwasher, which we pick-up tonight (yippee!), we're on to the refrigerator. And this has been a game of indecisions.

In fact, the quote of the evening was, "I don't get this whole compromise thing. I think it's a waste of time to compromise on the house. I mean I just won't like it if I compromise." Yes, you know who said that. Yet, I still cannot make a decision.

So here's the problem. In terms of height, this gorgeous refrigerator will just fit (barring any weird angled settling from the house.) It will be deeper than our other refrigerator, but that's because of the door. The problem is the width. It is 1/4 of an inch too wide. However, my Dad has offered to saw off part of the 1/2 inch overhang from the counter and then, this ridiculously gorgeous refrigerator will fit.

But, since everything measures EXACTLY, I'm worried that something will be off. We can't afford to even be off by an 1/8 inch. I know what you're thinking: "Then don't get it!" But, I LOVE this refrigerator. I've been oohing and aahing over it for months and imagining it in my kitchen. I just can't bring myself to compromise on another refrigerator. I mean look at this beauty.

What to do?!?!?


At 11:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

play it safe. keeep your current refrigerator. save your dream refrigerator for your next house.

At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin only eats can food anyway. What do you need a big fridge for?

At 12:19 PM, Blogger Blahhhhhh said...

I agree with PJ. And you don't have any meat to store, so why have a fridge?


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