Sunday, August 21, 2005

Some Assembly Required

Yesterday and this morning were spent assembling our Ikea buys. As is the case with anything we do together, Kevin and I competed to see who could finish assembling their piece of furniture first (Kevin worked on his desk and I worked on our kitchen trolley). I think Kevin won as I needed help from him and he still finished his piece first.

I did discover some new Ikea knowledge. First, the cheaper the item the more assembling required. Our kitchen trolley had some of the same pieces as my new table for my office. However, the office table came very close to assembled and ready to go. The kitchen trolley took twice as long and was made of unfinished wood.

Second, assembling furniture from Ikea is always an adventure. The diagrams are filled with little people blobs who demonstrate all of the things you shouldn't do with your furniture when putting it together. We find that doesn't keep us from finding ourselves in the blobs' situations.

Third, something about assembling your own furniture is always very satisfying. Once it's done and put together, you always feel a sense of accomplishment and maybe a little bit of pride. It's like you had a hand in the creation of your furniture. It makes the furniture more personal.


At 4:56 PM, Blogger Kevin & Kristy's First Home said...

Kevin's in the "Solarium" temporarily until we get the lower level done. Of course temporarily will be 4-5 months. !


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