Saturday, August 13, 2005

Replacing Vinyl Tiles

I kept the title simple in case anyone's interested in learning how to do this. I'm sure we'll have lots of suggestions on what NOT to do after we finish.

Kevin started to remove the current tiles last night in anticipation of the replacement today. Somehow the flower pattern that is in there is just not 'us' so we bought a nice fake stone tile replacement. These are a cost-effective way to redo a floor. At less than a $1 a piece, for $26 we have a whole new bathroom floor!

However, wanting to do things right, which means ripping out the previous floor, is turning out to be more of a challenge than we expected. As Kevin started ripping out the tiles near the door last night, we realized two things. First, these weren't 'sticky' vinyl tiles like the ones we bought. These were vinyl tiles attached with massive globs of glue that sticks to everything, people included!

Second, if we kept ripping out tiles from the door to the bathtub, we were quickly going to be stuck in the bathtub with an ocean of still sticky glue between us and the door.

This morning Kevin is attempting to create a little peninsula of tiles that we can work on as we replace the other tiles. My parents are on the way down to rescue us from this glue nightmare. Results to be posted tomorrow!


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