Wednesday, August 03, 2005

RIP - Garbage Disposer

Whenever you have a calamity happen with your house you always think to yourself, "This is the worst!" But subconsciously you know that the house can and will find new and devious ways to torture you. I guess you know where this is leading...yes, the house is torturing us again.

The sink won't drain, because the garbage disposer is broken. Yet another problem that our home inspector called an 'easy fix.' "Just needs to be reset," he said. He reset it and that lasted for a month. It won't reset anymore. After doing a little research on Consumer Reports I discovered the life span of a garbage disposer is 10-12 years. This one probably came with the house meaning it's 15 years old or in other words, past its prime.

When we went out to look at disposers this past weekend with my Dad we learned a few things about our sink, faucet and disposer. First, we have the weakest, cheapest disposer on the market. Second, our sink is only 6" deep, which accounts for the ricochet of water off the bottom of the sink through the air and usually on to the person washing their hands or the dishes. And finally, something we already knew. Our faucet SUCKS! It only sprays in a sprinkle, a deadly hurricane sprinkle. Hence the water bouncing off of the bottom of the sink. To put water in our teapot, we have to turn the faucet on to a mere tinkle and very slowly fill the kettle.

Inevitably this led to the discussion about what we're going to do with the kitchen. We decided that we needed a new sink that was deeper (8 glorious inches), a new faucet that does a stream and a sprinkle (hallelujah!) and a new garbage disposer (of course). But then the countertops came into the discussion. After hemming and hawing over prices, my Dad volunteered to refinish the countertops. At this point, the whole project has become a Large Project for after the upstairs is finished. The only problem is...well, check out the picture. Yes, we need the new disposer now!


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