Monday, August 22, 2005

Men Are Obtuse

Contrary to popular belief I do not spend my days sitting around eating bonbons hoping that the spirits of the house will actually unpack, paint and repair this mess. I actually spend a lot of my day trying to find happy homes for all of our stuff and doing all of the little jobs that everyone thinks should require a day or so.

I've discovered that everything takes 10 times longer than I ever anticipated, which usually equates to about 20 times the amount of time general observers and my husband seem to think that they take. Case in point is our dining room.

Now Kevin has had a rough month at work with 14 hour work days including weekends and I've been as unshrewish as I can possibly be about it. I understand that he's tired, but I do want a little bit of a thank you for cleaning up the mess to end all messes in our home. For the above transformation I received a "Looks nice." Somehow I think I was expecting a fanfare with marching bands, champagne, flowers and exuberently being hugged by Kevin for making the house another step more livable.

I need a t-shirt that says, "I cleaned up our entire dump of a dining room and all I got was a lousy 'Looks nice'" And on the back it will say, "And in case you're wondering, I had to pay for this t-shirt myself!"


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