Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Tree Skirt

It's really the little things in life that trip you up. I thought buying a tree skirt would be an easy affair. I mean how expensive could these things be after all? They're just a round piece of cloth sewn together. Then I went to Target. Not only do they give you more choices than needles on a pine tree, but they are expensive. I don't think I saw a skirt for under $40.

My mom tells me to wait until after Christmas. Yes, then they'll be on sale. That's what her and my Dad did. As I'm on the phone with her, I could hear her walking into the living room to look at the tree and confirm this fact, at which point she followed up with, "Oh your grandmother made this for us!"

Well, if you know me, you know that I love tradition and family. So if something homemade is coming down the family line from a deceased and beloved relative then I'm figuring a way to move it into my house. My mom told me to just put presents under the tree and no one will notice until I can buy a tree skirt after Christmas.

I wander if my parents will notice if I buy a new tree skirt after Christmas and switch it with the family heirloom tree skirt in their house. Alas, I think my scheme is ruined as they read this blog every day! So yes, I have presents under the tree.


At 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to break the news but tree skirts are for live trees. See they help protect your floors from sappy living or dying tree needles. So save your $40 to the new Kevin and Kristy furniture fund that I have set up for you two.

At 6:31 AM, Blogger Kevin & Kristy's First Home said...

Thanks for the advice,we'll see if we can find something meaningful!


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