Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Our Erector Set

Some things about new home ownership are really fun. Take for instance our new erector set, err, metal shelves. Kevin and I tackled this on Saturday and it was actually quite fun. Of course, they do tell you that no tools are required and I think I said, "no tools, my a**!" about a dozen times throughout the process.

The goal for these metal shelves was to add some storage space in our spacious furnace room for extra paint cans, tools and odds and ends. I also wanted to see how hard assembly was and how sturdy the shelves were before I bought more.

This is one of the few tasks that Kevin and I have done in peaceful harmony. I actually think its only the second task, which is somehow fitting for our Anniversary weekend.

As you can see the shelves are up and currently housing our 3,000 cans of paint.


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