Friday, September 02, 2005

Tiger Stripes or Ground Nutmeg?

This is my dilemma: Tiger Stripes, Ground Nutmeg or starting over again. I just cannot decide. First I wanted to paint the cabinets - all of the cabinets - Italian Olive. (See the photo)

But then we had that whole debacle with the bathroom cabinets, where I sanded, cleaned, primed, painted and they looked horrible! Then I learned some more and I used a roller this time (after I resanded everything -ugh!) and they look fabulous.

However, during this debacle the entire audience of this house told me that painting the cabinets, which are solid oak, would be a crime. I'm told all they need is to be refinished. This threw off my entire plan for the kitchen which had been the 'Italian Olive' cabinets with the 'Opulent' (a mustardy color) walls. 'Opulent' would never go with oak colored cabinets so I was back to square one.

My latest inspiration came from my brother who during a conversation about matching the living room/entryway color to the kitchen (as you can see the kitchen from this room) said, "It's not like you're going to paint it orange or anything." And that got me to thinking, "Orange, mmm, sounds good."

The next quandary was that I'm painting the Library downstairs 'Falling Leaves', would that be too much orange in one house? I'm happy to report, no it isn't. I picked out a much lighter, brighter orange called 'Tiger Stripes' for the kitchen, so I think it'll look completely different. Or at least I hope so...


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