Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Con the Buyers

In the last year, I've been watching more HGTV shows. 'House Hunters', 'Curb Appeal' and my personal favorite, 'Sell This House' or as I like to call it 'Con the Buyers.' Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy this show, but the more I watch it, the more I realize they have to be buying everything out of the back of someone's van in a back alley.

Let's take something that they always say on these shows when they tally up the price. "Paint and supplies: $20." How exactly are paint and supplies $20? When you go to Home Depot a gallon of paint costs $20! And then there are the supplies. The supplies cost you $5 for a roller, $6 for a rollerhead, bottom of the line paintbrushes cost at least $3 a piece, blue painters (and if you're non-skilled you need a lot of this) is $5/roll and if you want to actually paint the trim its $10 for another can of paint. I'm not an accountant, but that looks to be easily over $50 for paint and supplies and that's just the tip of the "Con the Buyers" iceberg.

I watch them buying decent lighting fixtures for $30 and I wonder where this guy is who sells light fixtures out of the back of his van for $30, because you're not going to find that anywhere else.

And then, there's my personal favorite. They create a giant, customized piece of furniture. "Wood and supplies $35." Clive, the host, clips this off with his chipper British accent insinuating, "Look what you can do with $35! You can have this awesome new desk!" Um, the guys building this are carpenters and they have expensive saws and nailguns. None of which you can purchase for $35, including the actual skill!

If you ever want to know how much things really cost or if you ever want to see what kind of job a non-professional can do, stop by for a tour, we're a classic example. Although, we do have a carpenter, handyman and DIY Man on staff (Thanks Dad!)


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