Thursday, September 01, 2005

Electrocution Festival

The title definitely drew you in, didn't it? Well, I'm happy to report after changing six electrical sockets, 4 two-way light switches and 2 three-way light switches I am still alive and unelectrocuted. I know my Dad was thinking that I would have smoke coming out of my hair the next time he saw me, but I actually did turn off the right fuses this time.

However, I have a bone to pick with George. I only know one George, so if your name is George and you know me, you're it. George told me that changing out sockets was a breeze. His estimated time to change a socket or switch was 5 minutes. I have to disagree with you and say that it takes at least 15 minutes for an easy socket. And when you mentioned this, you never told me that I would be sweating and wrenching my arm out of socket as I tried to turn nasty screws that haven't been moved in over 15 years. Not to mention the cobwebs, dirt and bits of insulation falling from the switch as it's removed and disassembled.

Today, my hands are throbbing and I feel like I competed in a marathon using my wrists as feet. But the living room is a little closer to being done, I haven't toasted myself with electricity and I now know I don't want to be an electrician in my next career. Oh and George, you owe me a beer for misleading an innocent new homeowner!

[The photo today is of the 12 discarded sockets and switches.]


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