Sunday, August 28, 2005

Holy Day

You heard correctly, yesterday was Holy Day at the house. There were holes made and filled all over the place. My Dad examined the giant gaping hole behind the doorbell and we could only figure that the old doorbell chime, which once upon a time had actually been hardwired to the doorbell had been ripped out of the wall (causing this gaping hole) and covered by this remote doorbell chime. With a popsicle stick, some wire and lots of spackling Dad managed to pull a Macgyver and fill in the hole.

He also tore apart the framing around the kitchen window where the ants had been coming in. By taking off the framing we were able to investigate the fine brown dust that had been raining down on the floor underneath it. For once, there wasn't a colony of ants, or a dead bird or anything scary back there at all. We found the frame to be well-insulated and built, the ants had just dragged in some dirt with them. Hallelujah!

In the guest bathroom, we took out the old towel bar, which no longer matched the room and wasn't big enough for our fluffy new guest towels. We now have modern looking hooks on the wall, which has really pulled the room together.

And finally worker bee Kevin spent the whole day grouting the master bathroom floor. Please call him for all of your future grouting needs as he is now an expert. Maybe I should have called today "Filling in the Holy Day."


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