Saturday, September 03, 2005

It's a Sheep!

This is Sheep No. 1/2. The one you see in all of the TV commercials with the braces. He is just the cutest little thing and I've been stalking him for weeks in all of the Mattress Warehouse circulars.

You might have guessed by now that we went out looking for a mattress today. Our beautiful new bed frame has been sitting empty for over 2 weeks. Boscov's sent a circular with Sertas so we went there this afternoon in hopes of finding a mattress. The beds were ok, but the sheep were non-existent. (Bonus points to Kevin for actually having the nerve to ask the salesclerk if they gave away the sheep. She had no idea what he was talking about and gave him the strangest look. I just love him!)

Despite horrible reviews on, we went to Mattress Warehouse Outlet. When we walked in we saw a giant plush sheep on the bed, certainly a good omen. Then came the shark, er, I mean salesman. He even had a line, [Insert fake laughing here] "So what can I get you today? A big screen TV, a jacuzzi?" [Insert forced laughter from us.]

Fortunately, we were expecting this. He fleshed out our wants and needs and led us right to the perfect mattress. We laid down and decided we really liked the mattress. Then we saw the price tag, and well, maybe we didn't love it that much.

After laying on better and better mattresses that we loved more and more we came back to the original. We, or maybe I should say I, am not the most clued in buyer. I'm indecisive and usually just want to go home and think about things. This seems to drive salesman into a frenzy and then it starts the wheeling and dealing. Well, if we didn't mind the color, we could get us a deal on last year's model.

That's when Kevin asked, "Do you have any of the sheep left?" He had two and he opened his desk drawer to show us and there was the cute little sheep with braces that I had been coveting. I was sold, but I wanted to hear Kevin's opinion sans salesman.

Kevin assured him we would think about it and we walked out of the store. After a 30 second conversation about how there were only two sheep left, there were only a few of last year's model left that was actually under our budget and hopefully having learned from the previous night's debacle (a story for tomorrow) we decided couldn't pass up the sheep, er, I mean mattress.

And thus we went back in and bought it. We are the proud new owners of Sheep No. 1/2. And oh yeah, the mattress will be delivered on Wednesday.


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