Thursday, July 21, 2005

The Sun Is Rising in Our Bathroom

For some reason I've taken a liking to the rolling part of putting on paint. Don't ask me to trim or edge in or to do "touch-ups", all of which cause me to shudder. But ask me to throw some paint in a disposable paint tray with a fluffy new roller and I'm there.

Having finished all of the actual rolling of our rooms and there not being any jobs that could possibly provide the immediate gratification that I crave (i.e. splashing color on a wall) I started to obssess about what color to paint our guest bathroom upstairs (yes, the one we currently use).

Kevin has nixed any bright colors in the house, especially yellow. He has informed me that he is much more of an 'earth-tone' person and that's what colors he would like upstairs. Imagine my surprise when we started arguing about the color for this bathroom and he mentions yellow. I raised an eyebrow, but since that was what I had in mind anyway I started to pick out a color.

After the usual ordeal of sorting through colors and having the chips sitting in the room for a day or so, we settled on "sweet corn." The name should have given it away. When have you ever known corn to be subtle in color? After painting on a few swipes of this last night, to get an idea of what it looks like on the wall, I was assaulted by the brightest, shinest, neon yellow you can imagine. No, it hasn't calmed down this morning. And I hate it. Weirdly enough, Kevin loves it. Go figure.


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