Monday, April 24, 2006

We've Been Tagged

Apparently we've been tagged by our friend Steve to tell you "Six Strange Things/Facts/Habits About Us." Since he was so kind as to be so explicit as to tell everyone that he has had sex with women despite the fact that he's gay, we're up against the wall here for sensational news. I do seem to blurt out most of the horrific things happening on the house, but I'll try to come up with some more. (My parents read this blog, so sorry Mom & Dad ahead of time.)

1) This house is about the 40th house we looked at. Amazingly our realtor stuck with us and at some point, Kevin let me go look at houses on my own in the vain hope that I would find something.

2) The sound of people flossing their teeth drives me absolutely insane. All I can think about is food flying out of people's mouth every time I hear "ping!"

3) Kevin and I were obsessed with "Keeping Up Appearances" for a long time. It's about an elderly couple in England with a domineering wife and a long suffering husband. Hmm, what does that say about us?

4) I have a navel ring and its 10 year anniversary is May 1st. It was a college graduation present to myself.

5) No, we're not pregnant and I'm sorry Mom that you have to hear from everyone else about their grandkids.

6) I love "Gilmore Girls," I actually pick up the phone and say, "What do you want? You DO know that Gilmore Girls is on?" to whoever calls during a new episode. That's not so weird, but did you know that Kevin now likes "Gilmore Girls" too?


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