Monday, February 13, 2006

The Best Laid Plans

We had such grand plans. Putting up the new blinds, spackling the wall in the basement, touching-up. We were snowed in yesterday and had a whole free day! All of my plans were either cancelled or I was forced to miss them because of the snow. In the morning we discussed all of the above in great detail as we eagerly listened to WTOP online (we love the internet!)

Kevin quickly put the blinds up and then, well, we lost our momentum. I did some freelance work and Kevin did some Lockheed work. Then we watched a movie. Then I did some freelance and Kevin did some work and then we ate. And then we played a boardgame and then we watched another movie and before you know it it was nearing our bed time.

There was a brief mention of spackling in the afternoon followed by "I don't feel like it..." quickly chorused by, "Me neither."


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