Friday, April 21, 2006

Ant Invasion

I guess I haven't been writing as much lately because I think to myself, "Does anyone really read this blog?" Well, for the 1.2 people that do, I will again make an attempt to keep this blog up to date. However, I am going to change this a little bit to include some of the other things happening in our lives.

One of the most popular questions I get from everyone I talk to who knows I've been technically "unemployed" for the last 8 months is "What DO you do all day?" So for all of you rude enough to ask and all of you to shy to ask, I'll tell you about the little fiasco that took up a good part of my day.

So the exterminator came on Wednesday, right before Kevin's sister was coming by for the first time to see the house. For me, it's kind of like having your Mother-In-Law and Martha Stewart all rolled up into one visiting. She has impeccable taste in decorating and Kevin is like a third son to her. They had to stop quickly and drop off their dogs, so I quickly ushered her through an abbreviated tour. She cooed and complimented and I felt oh so proud until we came to the Solarium.

There in all of their complete indignity were the ants; dead ones, live ones, some gasping for their last breaths and in their death throws. The colony of ants that had invaded our walls and that the exterminator had told me would quickly meet their maker OUTSIDE had all stumbled into my kitchen to expire on the bamboo floor. The embarrassment of it was horrific. Margie quickly reassured me that she's had exterminators and she's seen this all before, no need to worry.

But worry I did. As twin flags of embarrassment burned on my cheeks, I ushered her out to the living room, which remains thankfully free of ants. So what does this have to do with my whole day yesterday? Easy, every 30 minutes I would run downstairs and kill dozens of ants, swiffer them up and then Windex the crap out of the area they were in to destroy their trail. This was an ALL day process!


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