Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Aches and Pains

Working on a house causes a lot of aches and pains. Along with cuts, bruises and splinters. Just thought I'd pass this information along to everyone who had pie in the sky dreams of fixing up an old house.

Fortunately for us, we haven't had too many accidents yet (knock on wood). I electrocuted myself once, we've all had splinters in our hands and feet caused from floor installation and from the plywood floors leading up to the installation.

My Dad had a bad gash from our wallpaper peeler we left uncovered in our tool box. We've had sore backs and achy knees, bruised shins and blistered hands. I've had paint on my hands, feet, legs, face and hair and it doesn't always come off. I even had paint in my tear ducts a couple of weeks ago.

So what is the purpose of my musing today? Well, today I'm tired and aching and for once this is not owed to the house. You see, I received Dance, Dance Revolution for Christmas and we just hooked it up yesterday. I think it kicked my butt and came around to kick it again. Off to go slump in a corner and rest.


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