Friday, May 26, 2006

Complete Disarray

Yes, I know I haven't posted for a while. I started a new job last week and I've been getting more freelancing than ever. That means one thing for me: I am Super-Busy. Between the full-time job, the freelancing, the laundry, cooking, errands and cleaning, I have no life. I've been trying to squeeze in time at lunch and so forth to read "The Historian" (a great, gigantic page turner about Vlad the Impaler [Dracula.])

So nothing has gotten done on the house. And since I removed the "anonymous" commenting from this blog, I figured I wasn't going to hear much complaining about my lack of work on the house. Wrong, we just received a letter from the Gestapo (aka the HOA) and we have to "Pull our weeds and trim our bushes" or else they will levy us with their never-ending fines.

What ever happened to the days when you could put your old car up on blocks in the front yard?


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