Monday, October 10, 2005

Cutting the Hand That Helps You

We are so busy in the next few weekends that my parents agreed to come down after church yesterday to help hang the blinds that had arrived a few weeks ago. My Dad wasn't here 10 minutes when he put his hand in our toolbox and he cut himself on our brand new scraping blade.

There was blood everywhere, I didn't take a photo (for the privacy of my Dad's finger), but it was bad. It just kept bleeding and bleeding and he wouldn't go get stitches. He has had a tetanus shot in the last few years, so that's good. It did finally stop bleeding after what seemed like an interminable time, but that could have been from the bandage he wrapped so tightly around his finger.

My Dad persevered like he always does and he and Kevin hung the blinds. Our new wooden blinds look awesome! Super big kudos to my awesome Dad for going above and beyond this weekend. Prayers for an uneventful healing of his finger are welcome!


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